Our Top 10 Favorite Office Dogs In Their Halloween Costumes

October 26, 2017

We take Halloween pretty seriously around here. We dress up (sometimes as our favorite ice cream flavors), throw parties, make wildly euphoric Halloween ice cream treats, and even get our beloved K9-5ers involved in the festivities.

This year, we thought our ice cream-loving fans would be bow-wowed to see the top 10 cutest dogs from around our office, all dressed up in their scariest (or cutest) Halloween attire:

  1. Max the Gentleman

  2. Tilly the Cupcake

  3. Spock the Lion

  4. Pontch the Elephant

  5. Haddie the Cow

  6. Bodhi the Pirate

  7. Artie the Dapper Dog

  8. Otis the Sushi

  9. Bindi the Ice Cream Cone

  10. Scout the Squirrel