It’s Time to Tidy Up! Join us & Keep New Zealand Beautiful.

5 September 2016

  • Even though we’re all about making downright delectable ice cream, the other part of our lives is all about making sure issues like social justice and social values don’t go ignored. And when it comes to global warming and climate change, we’re not resting until the planet we call home is squeaky clean. 

  • Global warming is the real deal

    Melting ice caps. Forest fires. Extinction. Man-made pollution has the potential to do a lot of damage to the world we live in. So since this is the only home we have, we think the best way forward is to be proactive, not reactive.

  • What can we do about it?!

    Power in numbers can work wonders. Something magical happens when a group of people with the same goals work together as one. It’s all about making the greatest amount of positive change in the smallest amount of time. That’s why we work closely with organisations all over the world that care about the same things we do. After all, many hands make light work. 

  • What about little old New Zealand?

    Let’s face it, New Zealand has some of the most stunning scenery in the world. So to keep it that way, we’ve been working closely with the team at Keep New Zealand Beautiful (KNZB). Their mission’s pretty simple; clean NZ up, one bit of rubbish at a time. So the next time you see a rogue crisp packet flying around, pop it in a bin nearby - mother nature (and us) will thank you for it.

  • How can I help?

    If you’re more the hands-on type, then grab your calendar and circle 12 – 18 September. That’s when KNZB kick off their Clean Up Week.  It’s easy to take part too – just head over to their events page to find a Clean Up event near you. You’ll be tagging along with 80,000 others for one giant rubbish sweep spanning from Kaikoura to Gore. Oh, and bring your school friends, workmates and family along too – the more the merrier!

  • I want to get involved!

    Want to go one step further and organise a Clean Up event for KNZB near you? No problemo! Register right here and KNZB will send you everything you need to get going.

    Remember, just like ice cream – if it’s melted, it’s ruined!

    Peace, Love & Ice Cream

    Ben & Jerry’s