Quiz: Which Flavour Best Complements Your Movie?



The door is locked, the freezer is stocked, you’ve told your friends that whilst you love them dearly, the sofa is currently the most important relationship in your life and your most urgent priorities are choosing a movie and digging into a tub of ice cream while the dog likely naps haphazardly across your legs. 

Look, sometimes we only have enough mental capacity to focus on which part of the sofa to nestle into, and for other more laborious decisions we just want to be told what to do, like what type of movie to watch and what type of ice cream to eat while we watch it. Even better if this information is perfectly curated to suit our mood. We’ve got you covered; take this quiz to find out your perfect pairing!

  1. 1: What’s a more appealing scenario to you on a Saturday evening?
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  2. 2: Would you rather watch:
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  3. 3: When you see a friend trip over their own feet, what’s your first reaction?
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  4. 4: What does dripping crimson paint make you think of?
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  5. 5: What was your last costume for Halloween?
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  6. 6: If dinosaurs came out of extinction what would happen?
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  7. 7: Sometimes when strangers knock on the door you think:
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  8. 8: What’s your favourite colour?
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  9. 9: Your favourite thing about Sundays is:
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  10. 10: When going on holiday you prefer:
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