Replace with Real Page Title Text

Centered intro text. Replace this line or remove if not needed.

January 1, 2018


How to Use This Template - Do Not Delete from Template

Right click on this page in the left navigation and select copy.

On the page above where you want the new page to live, for example What's New, right click and select paste.

There will now be a copy of this template that can be updated as needed.

Important! To ensure this template page is not published to the live set, there is a visibility setting enabled which will copy over to new pages.  This setting will need to be removed prior to the page displaying on the live site.

When ready to publish:

Right click on the page in the left navigation and select Edit.

Click on the Visibility tab and remove the setting.

Publish page as usual.

Heads up! This Generic Text with Links component is where the 'Add This...' sharing widget is set.

To set or remove the Sharing Widget, navigate to the Layout tab and enable the 'view' option, then select sharingWidget view from within the Select a view: section.